105 Getting to Know You Icebreaker Activities and Games for Kids
Icebreaker games and activities are more than just a way to pass the time; they are essential tools designed to introduce and integrate individuals into new environments, especially in educational settings. Whether it’s new students on their first day of school or older kids transitioning to a higher grade, the anxiety of standing at the front of the class or joining a larger group can be daunting.
Fun icebreaker games, from drawing a favorite TV show on the bulletin board to racing to the finish line in a team challenge, offer a better way to ease these nerves. They allow students to share a little bit about themselves, answer simple questions, or even choose a different name for a playful role-reversal activity.

For elementary students and younger children, fun icebreakers can be as straightforward as drawing their family member on their own card or forming concentric circles to share their favorite color. Meanwhile, older kids might find themselves engaged in quick ice breaker games where the first team to align in straight lines based on birth months wins. These activities are not just about fun; they are strategic methods to promote collaboration, understanding, and camaraderie among peers.
Educators and group leaders have long recognized the value of a great ice breaker game. They are often incorporated into lesson plans to ensure the whole class feels included and valued. Whether it’s forming small teams to discuss their favorite tv show or debating the best ways to spend a summer vacation, these games are a good thing for building a cohesive and friendly environment. After all, the goal is to ensure that every new kid feels like a valued team member, and what better way to achieve this than through the best ice breaker games?
Building connections and fostering friendships at the beginning of a school year or during any new gathering can be a daunting task for kids. Icebreaker activities serve as a great way to ease this process, making it a fun way for kids to meet new friends and get comfortable in a new environment. Here’s a compilation of some of the best icebreaker games and activities for kids.

Icebreakers for All Ages
- Two Truths and a Lie: A classic game where each student shares two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The next person in the group then guesses which statement is the lie. This game is a great opportunity for kids to share interesting facts about themselves.
- Hula Hoop Pass: Kids stand in a large circle holding hands. The objective is to pass a hula hoop from one person to another without breaking the handhold. It’s a fun activity that requires teamwork and is suitable for both younger students and older children.
- Scavenger Hunt: A fun game where kids are given a list of items or tasks to find or complete. This can be tailored to the first day of school by including school-related items or tasks. For small groups, the scavenger hunt can be more intimate, focusing on getting to know group members better.
- Beach Ball Toss: Write icebreaker questions on a beach ball. Kids toss the ball to each other, and whichever question their right thumb lands on when they catch the ball, they answer it. Questions can range from “What’s your favorite color?” to “Name a fun fact about yourself.”
- Name Bingo: Create a bingo card with different characteristics or likes/dislikes. For instance, one box might say “Loves pizza” or “Has a pet dog.” Kids then mingle and try to find classmates who fit each description, helping them discover common ground with different people.
- The Line-Up Game: A simple game where kids line up in a certain alphabetical order, like by first name or last name. Alternatively, they can line up by hair color, height, or birthday month. It’s a good way to get kids moving and talking.
- Musical Chairs with a Twist: A variation of the classic musical chairs game. Instead of removing chairs, add fun icebreaker questions to each seat. When the music stops, each child sits and answers the question on their chair.
- The Great Wind Blows: This is a great icebreaker game where kids sit in a large circle. One person stands in the center and makes a statement like “The great wind blows for everyone who has a sibling.” Anyone for whom the statement is true must stand up and find a new seat. The last person standing becomes the new center person.
- Deserted Island: Kids share what three items they would bring if they were stranded on a deserted island. This game offers insights into kids’ priorities and imaginations.
- Paper Bag Sharing: Each child brings a paper bag with a few of their favorite things inside. They then share and explain each item to the entire class or small team, providing a personal glimpse into their lives.
- Favorite Food Relay: Kids stand in a line, and the first person whispers their favorite food to the next person. The message is passed down the line, and the last person announces what they heard. It’s a fun way to see how the message changes and learn about everyone’s favorite food.
- Icebreaker Jenga: Customize a Jenga set with icebreaker questions on each block. When a child pulls out a block, they answer the question written on it. This game is suitable for both younger kids and older students.
- Human Knot: Kids stand in a large circle and reach out to hold hands with two different people across from them. The challenge is to untangle the knot without letting go of each other’s hands. It’s a physical activity that promotes teamwork.
- Who Am I?: Attach the name of a famous person or character to each child’s back. They then ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who they are. This game helps kids with deductive reasoning and is a good game for middle school students.
- Snowball Fight: Each child writes a fun fact about themselves on a piece of paper, crumples it into a ball, and engages in a mock snowball fight. After a few minutes, everyone picks up a “snowball,” reads the fact, and guesses who wrote it.
- Alphabetical Story: Starting with the letter ‘A,’ the first person says a word. The next person adds a word starting with ‘B,’ and so on. The challenge is to create a coherent story using words in alphabetical order.
- Roll of Toilet Paper Game: Pass around a roll of toilet paper and ask kids to take as many sheets as they want. Once everyone has their sheets, they must share a fact about themselves for each sheet they took. It’s a quick ice breaker game that often results in laughter.
- Shoe Tower Challenge: In small groups, kids remove their shoes and try to build the tallest tower using only the shoes. It’s a fun icebreaker activity that encourages creativity and teamwork.
- Two-Minute Interviews: Pair up kids and give them two minutes to interview each other. Afterward, each child introduces their partner to the group of people based on what they learned. This activity is a great way to foster quick connections.
- Pass the Drawing: Each child starts with a piece of paper and draws a shape or line. After 10 seconds, they pass their paper to the next person who adds to the drawing. The process continues until the paper returns to the original artist, revealing a collaborative artwork.
- Colorful M&Ms Game: Distribute a handful of M&Ms to each child. Assign a question to each color (e.g., red for “What’s your favorite animal?”). Kids take turns picking an M&M and answering the corresponding question.
- Compliment Chain: Kids sit in a circle, and the first person gives a compliment to someone else. The recipient then gives a compliment to another person, creating a chain. It’s a great way to promote positivity and boost self-esteem.
- Guess the Object: Each child brings a small object from home and places it in a paper bag. Bags are shuffled, and kids take turns feeling the objects inside the bags and guessing what they are. This game enhances sensory skills and curiosity.
- Human Bingo: Create a bingo card with statements like “Has been to a summer camp” or “Knows how to swim.” Kids mingle and find peers who match the statements, aiming to get a bingo.
- Emoji Emotions: Show a series of emojis to the group. Kids take turns acting out the emotion represented by the emoji while others guess the emotion. It’s a fun way to discuss feelings and expressions.
- Would You Rather?: Pose a series of “Would You Rather?” questions, such as “Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or be able to fly?” Kids discuss their choices, revealing preferences and sparking conversations.
- Memory Chain: The first person says a word related to a theme (e.g., animals). The next person repeats the first word and adds their own. The chain continues, with each child repeating all previous words and adding one. It’s a test of memory and attention.
- Silent Line-Up: Without speaking, kids must line up in order of their birthdays, shoe size, or height. This activity requires non-verbal communication and observation skills.
- Find Your Twin: Each child receives an index card with half of a famous duo (e.g., peanut butter, Batman). They must find the person with the matching card (e.g., jelly, Robin) without speaking, using only gestures.
- Dream Vacation: Kids share where they’d go if they could visit any place in the world. This activity offers insights into their interests and dreams, and it’s a good way to discuss geography and cultures.
- Mystery Sound: Play a series of sounds, and have the kids guess what each sound is. This can range from nature sounds like birds chirping to everyday sounds like a doorbell ringing. It’s a fun way to test their listening skills.
- Fact or Fiction: Each child writes down one true fact and one fictional statement about themselves. The group then votes on which they believe is the fact. This game provides a great opportunity to debunk myths and learn surprising truths about peers.
- Puzzle Pieces: Hand out puzzle pieces and have kids find the other members whose pieces fit with theirs. Once they form a complete puzzle, they can discuss a topic or share something about themselves.
- Animal Charades: Each child acts out an animal without using sounds, and the rest of the group guesses which animal it is. It’s a fun activity that gets kids moving and thinking creatively.
- The Hot Seat: One child sits in a chair facing away from the board while the teacher or another student writes a word on the board. The child in the hot seat asks yes-or-no questions to figure out the word while the class responds.
- Magic Carpet Ride: Place a small mat or towel on the ground, and the challenge is for the group to flip it over without anyone stepping off. It’s a good game for teamwork and problem-solving.
- Finish the Story: Start a story with an opening line and have each child add a sentence. The tale can take unexpected twists and turns, making it a hilarious and creative exercise.
- Mirror Mirror: In pairs, one child acts as the mirror and mimics the actions of their partner. This activity is not only fun but also promotes attention to detail and coordination.
- Whose Portrait?: Each child draws a self-portrait and adds one unique fact about themselves. Mix up the drawings and display them. The group then tries to match each portrait to its artist.
- The Compliment Ball: Toss a ball around the circle. When a child catches it, they give a compliment to the person who threw it to them. It’s a great way to foster positivity and appreciation within the group.

Icebreakers for Middle-Schoolers
Middle schoolers are at an age where they’re developing deeper social connections and understanding more complex concepts. Here are 15 icebreakers tailored for middle school students:
- Two-Minute Debates: Give pairs of students a light-hearted topic (e.g., “Are cats better than dogs?”). Each student has one minute to argue their side.
- Dream Job Interview: Students pair up and interview each other about their dream job, then introduce their partner and their dream job to the class.
- Book Speed Dating: Each student brings in their favorite book and has 2 minutes to “sell” it to a classmate before moving on to the next person.
- Hashtag About Me: Students write three hashtags that describe themselves and then share and explain their choices.
- Classroom Escape Room: Design a simple escape room challenge related to a subject they’re studying. It’s a fun way to test their knowledge and teamwork skills.
- Personality Quiz: Create a fun personality quiz related to a topic they’re studying. For instance, “Which historical figure are you?” After taking the quiz, students can discuss their results in groups.
- Silent Line-Up: Challenge students to line up in order of their birthdays, shoe sizes, or alphabetically by middle name, all without speaking.
- Meme Creation: Provide students with a few generic pictures and challenge them to create the funniest meme related to school life.
- Story Cubes: Using dice with pictures on them, students roll the dice and then have to create a short story using the images that face up.
- Cultural Exchange: Students share a tradition, dish, or festival from their culture or background. It’s a great way to promote diversity and inclusion.
- Guess the Teacher: Display fun or unusual facts about teachers in the school, and students have to guess which fact belongs to which teacher.
- Classroom Trivia: Create a trivia game with questions about the school, recent events, or pop culture. Students can compete in teams.
- “If I Were” Journals: Students write short entries on topics like, “If I were a superhero, my power would be…” or “If I were an inventor, I’d create…”. Share and discuss.
- Map Your Life: Provide students with a blank map and ask them to mark places that are significant to them, explaining why.
- The Compliment Chain: Start with one student giving a genuine compliment to another. The recipient then compliments someone else, creating a chain of positivity.
These icebreakers are designed to be engaging and relevant to middle schoolers, helping them to connect with their peers, open up discussions, and set a positive tone for the school year.

Icebreakers for Preschoolers
Preschoolers thrive on simple, fun, and interactive activities. Here are 15 icebreakers tailored for young children in a preschool setting:
- Animal Sounds: Give each child a card with an animal picture. On your signal, they must make the sound of their animal and find other kids making the same sound to group together.
- Color Match: Hand out colored stickers or cards. Children have to find others with the same color and introduce themselves.
- Show and Tell: Allow each child to bring a favorite toy or item from home and share why it’s special to them.
- Name Dance: Play music and let the kids dance. When the music stops, they shout out their name and a favorite thing (e.g., “I’m Lily, and I love strawberries!”).
- Face Painting: Set up a simple face painting station. As children get a small design, they can talk about what they chose and why.
- Friendship Bracelets: Provide string and large beads. As children make simple bracelets, they can exchange them with a new friend.
- Musical Circles: Place large colored circles on the floor. As music plays, children walk around. When the music stops, they stand on a circle and say its color.
- Weather Chart: Have a chart with different weather symbols. Each child places a sticker on the weather that matches how they feel (sunny for happy, rainy for sad, etc.).
- Balloon Buddies: Write each child’s name on a balloon. Children pick a balloon and find the person whose name is on it.
- Story Circle: Sit in a circle with a plush toy. The child holding the toy shares their name and a favorite story or song, then passes it to the next child.
- Fishing for Friends: Create a simple fishing game with paper fish and a magnet “fishing rod.” On each fish, write a simple question like “What’s your favorite color?” Children “fish” and answer the question they catch.
- Puppet Introductions: Provide a variety of hand puppets. Each child chooses one and introduces themselves through the puppet.
- Magic Box: Have a box filled with various objects (e.g., apple, ball, toy car). Children take turns pulling out an item and naming it or describing it.
- Bubble Pop: Blow bubbles and let the children pop them. Each time a child pops a bubble, they shout out their name or a favorite thing.
- Sticker Stories: Give each child a sheet of stickers. They place one on a large poster board and share a short story or fact about the sticker they chose.
These activities are designed to be age-appropriate, engaging, and interactive, helping preschoolers get to know each other in a fun and relaxed environment.

Name Game Activities
Name games are a fantastic way to help participants get to know each other’s names and break the ice in a group setting. Here are 15 name game activities:
- Name Toss: Sit in a circle. One person tosses a soft ball or beanbag to someone else, saying, “Hi [Name]!” The recipient then tosses it to another person, continuing the pattern.
- Name Rhyme: Each person introduces themselves with a word that rhymes with their name. For example, “I’m Danny, like a Granny.”
- Name and Gesture: Each participant says their name accompanied by a unique gesture. Everyone then repeats the name and gesture. This continues around the circle.
- Name Bingo: Create bingo cards with different names from the group. Participants mingle and sign each other’s cards until someone gets a bingo.
- Name Chain: The first person says their name. The next person repeats the first person’s name and then adds their own. This continues, with each person reciting all the previous names before adding theirs.
- Name Song: To the tune of a simple song like “Frère Jacques,” each child sings, “Hello, my name is [Name], how do you do?”
- Name Acrostic: Participants come up with a word or phrase for each letter of their name. For example, “LUCY: Lovely, Unique, Cheerful, Youthful.”
- Name Ball Bounce: Bounce a ball while saying a name. The person whose name is called catches the ball and then chooses another name.
- Name and Adjective: Each person chooses an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name and describes them. For example, “Joyful Jenna.”
- Name Detective: Give everyone a list of fun facts with names missing. They mingle to find out whose fact is whose. For instance, “______ has three cats.”
- Name Spin: Use a spinner or bottle. The person the spinner points to says their name and shares a fun fact. Spin again to continue.
- Name Puzzle: Write each person’s name on a large piece of cardstock and then cut it into puzzle pieces. Mix them up and have participants assemble each name.
- Name Skits: In small groups, participants create a short skit or story using only the names of the people in their group.
- Name Hat Draw: Everyone writes their name on a slip of paper and places it in a hat. Participants draw a name and describe that person using positive adjectives.
- Name and Motion: Each person says their name and associates it with a motion or action (e.g., “Jumping Jack”). Everyone repeats the name and motion.
These name game activities are designed to be engaging and interactive, helping participants remember names and foster a sense of community in the group.

Scavenger Hunt Activities
Scavenger hunts are versatile and can be tailored to various themes, locations, and age groups. Break kids into smaller groups and make it a competition as well as a collaboration. Here are 10 scavenger hunt-type activities:
- Nature Scavenger Hunt: Provide a list of natural items for participants to find, such as a pinecone, a feather, a dandelion, etc. This is great for parks or outdoor settings.
- Photo Scavenger Hunt: Instead of collecting items, participants take photos of certain scenes or actions, like “someone making a funny face” or “a red car.
- Historical Hunt: In a historical area or museum, participants search for answers to questions about exhibits or landmarks, like “What year was the town founded?”
- Library Hunt: Kids search for books based on clues related to the book’s title, author, or content. For example, “Find a book about a boy wizard with glasses.”
- Sound Hunt: Equip participants with a recording device. They must capture specific sounds, such as a dog barking, a car horn, or someone laughing.
- Riddle Me This: Provide riddles that, when solved, lead to specific locations or items. For example, “I have keys but open no locks” leads participants to find a piano.
- Grocery Store Hunt: Great for kids to familiarize themselves with different foods. They might search for “a fruit that’s yellow and curved” or “a vegetable that’s green and leafy.”
- Digital Hunt: For a virtual setting, participants can search for items or perform tasks in their own homes based on clues given in a video call.
- Map Treasure Hunt: Provide participants with a map marked with specific locations. At each spot, they find a clue leading them to the next location until they reach the ‘treasure’.
- QR Code Hunt: Place QR codes in various locations. When scanned, each code provides a clue or challenge that participants must complete to get the next code’s location.
Remember to consider the age group and setting when planning a scavenger hunt. Ensure that the challenges are age-appropriate and that the hunt area is safe for participants.
These activities are designed to help kids get to know each other in different ways, breaking the initial awkwardness and setting a friendly tone for any gathering or school year. Whether it’s discovering common interests or simply having a laugh together, these icebreakers pave the way for lasting friendships and memorable experiences.
Incorporating these fun icebreaker activities into the first days of school, summer camp, or any new gathering is an easy way to help kids break the ice. They not only promote social skills but also set a positive tone for the rest of the school year or event. Whether you’re an educator, parent, or camp counselor, these activities offer a great idea to ensure kids start on the right foot, building lasting connections and memories.

Katie Reed is a passionate writer and mother of four vivacious boys from Salt Lake City, Utah. Drawing from her own journey through TTC, pregnancy, and the joys of raising children, she offers a wealth of insight into the world of motherhood. Beyond her heartfelt tales, Katie delights her readers with family-friendly recipes, engaging crafts, and a curated library of printables for both kids and adults. When she’s not penning her experiences, you’ll find her crafting memories with her husband and sons—Dexter, Daniel, Chester, and Wilder.