37 Weeks Pregnant

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Your Pregnant Belly >>
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Being 37 weeks pregnant is an exciting time for expecting mothers. As the due date approaches, many women may be wondering what to expect in terms of pregnancy symptoms, checklists, and baby development. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect during your 37th week of pregnancy.
Your Baby is the Size of a Large Rugby Ball

19 inches

Head to Toe
6.5 pounds

Highlights of the Week

- The baby is now fully developed and can weigh around 6-6.5 pounds and measure around 19-20 inches long.
- You may experience increased fatigue, Braxton Hicks contractions, and pelvic pressure.
- You may feel nervous and excited about the upcoming delivery.
- You should have your hospital bag packed, have a plan for getting to the hospital, and have discussed the birth plan with your healthcare provider.
- You should rest as much as possible, continue prenatal care, and stay active with light exercise.
- You may be at risk for pre-term labor, gestational diabetes, and hypertension.
Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 37

Braxton Hicks Contractions:
Braxton Hicks contractions are mild, irregular contractions that can feel like tightening in the abdominal area. They are often referred to as false labor and are common at 37 weeks.
Fatigue is a common symptom in late pregnancy and can be caused by the body’s increased production of hormones and the baby’s growth.
Difficulty Sleeping:
Many women experience difficulty sleeping at 37 weeks pregnant due to the physical discomfort of a growing belly and the anticipation of labor.
Increased Vaginal Discharge:
Increased vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy and can help protect against infections. It may also increase in volume as the due date approaches.
Fullness or Pressure in the Pelvic Area:
As the baby drops lower in preparation for birth, you may feel more pressure in your pelvic area. This is known as “lightening.”
Breast Leaking:
Some women may experience breast leaking during late pregnancy due to the production of colostrum, the pre-milk fluid produced by the breasts.
Spotting can occur in late pregnancy due to various reasons, such as cervical changes. However, if you experience any significant bleeding or cramping, it is important to seek medical attention.
Gas and Bloating:
Gas and bloating are common symptoms during pregnancy, especially in late pregnancy due to the growing uterus pressing on the digestive system.
Lower Back Pain:
Lower back pain is common in late pregnancy due to the growing uterus putting pressure on the lower back and pelvis.
Varicose Veins:
Varicose veins can develop during pregnancy due to the increased blood flow and pressure on the veins in the legs.
Leg Cramps:
Leg cramps can occur during late pregnancy due to the increased weight and pressure on the legs.
Pregnancy Brain:
Pregnancy brain refers to the memory and concentration difficulties that some women experience during pregnancy. This can be attributed to hormonal changes and sleep deprivation.
37 Week Pregnancy Checklist

Making a Birth Plan with Your Healthcare Provider:
Making a birth plan is an important step in preparing for labor and delivery. It outlines your preferences for pain management, monitoring, and other aspects of your labor and delivery experience. Discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any potential concerns can be addressed.
Preparing Your Hospital Bag:
At 37 weeks, it’s a good idea to start packing your hospital bag with the essentials you’ll need during and after delivery, such as comfortable clothing, toiletries, and any medications you may require.
Stock Up on Baby Essentials:
Start stocking up on baby essentials such as diapers, wipes, formula, and other necessary items so you’re ready when your baby arrives.
Finalizing Your Baby’s Name:
It’s a good idea to finalize your baby’s name by 37 weeks so you can start using it and getting used to it.
Attending Any Remaining Prenatal Appointments:
Attend any remaining prenatal appointments and discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your healthcare provider.
Finishing Your Baby’s Nursery:
Make sure that the nursery is complete and ready for your baby’s arrival.
Getting an Exercise/Birthing Ball:
An exercise or birthing ball can be helpful for managing labor pains and promoting relaxation during delivery.
Making a Belly Cast:
Making a belly cast is a fun way to remember your pregnancy and can also be a great keepsake for your baby.
Practicing Using Your Baby Equipment:
Start practicing with your baby equipment such as the stroller, car seat, and swing to ensure that you are familiar with them and can use them effectively when your baby arrives.
Planning Your Birth Announcement:
Start thinking about how you would like to announce the birth of your baby to friends and family. This may involve making a list of people to call, creating a birth announcement card, or setting up a social media post.
Having Your Car Seat Checked:
Make sure your car seat is properly installed and fits your baby securely. Consider having it checked by a certified car seat inspector to ensure that it meets all safety standards.
Your 37 Week Pregnant Belly

At 37 weeks, your belly is likely to be quite large and may be causing some discomfort. The average size of a 37-week belly can vary, but most women are carrying a baby that weighs between 6 and 9 pounds and takes up most of the space in their uterus. This can result in a distended belly that may make it difficult to move around or find a comfortable position.
The effects of a 37-week belly on the body can be significant. The growing uterus can put pressure on the bladder, leading to frequent urination, and can also cause heartburn, indigestion, and shortness of breath. The increased weight can also result in lower back pain, varicose veins, and leg cramps.
To take care of your 37-week belly, it’s important to pay attention to your body and listen to what it needs. This may include getting plenty of rest, eating a balanced diet, and staying hydrated. Gentle exercise, such as walking or using a birthing ball, can also help relieve some of the pressure on your back and pelvis. Wearing supportive clothing and using a pregnancy pillow for support at night can also help you find comfort and sleep more easily. Additionally, it’s important to avoid lifting heavy objects and to take breaks when necessary to avoid overexertion.
Overall, taking care of your 37-week belly requires a combination of self-care and preparation for the upcoming birth. By listening to your body and following your healthcare provider’s advice, you can help ensure that you and your baby are comfortable and ready for the big day.
Baby Development at 37 Weeks

At 37 weeks pregnant, a baby is close to the end of its time in the womb. The baby’s size and weight have increased significantly since conception, and important changes are continuing.
A baby at 37 weeks is typically about 19-21 inches in length from head to toe and weighs around 6.5-7.5 pounds. During this time, the baby’s bones and organs are continuing to mature and strengthen.
Additionally, the baby is also honing important skills such as swallowing and breathing which will help them survive once they enter the world.
It is important for expecting mothers at this stage of pregnancy to continue seeking regular prenatal care to make sure that both mother and baby remain healthy during this last stretch. As the baby’s due date approaches, mothers typically begin to experience more frequent contractions and should notify their doctor if they become regular or intense. This is often the first sign that labor is about to begin!
How Many Months is 37 Weeks Pregnant?

37 weeks pregnant is equivalent to 9 months pregnant. You are approaching the end of your pregnancy and getting ready to meet your new baby.
Being 37 weeks pregnant is an exciting time for expecting mothers. As the due date approaches, it’s important to be aware of the pregnancy symptoms, checklists, and baby development.
Keep in mind that every pregnancy is unique, and your experience may differ from others. Make sure to consult your healthcare provider with any concerns or questions you may have.
Katie Reed is a passionate writer and mother of four vivacious boys from Salt Lake City, Utah. Drawing from her own journey through TTC, pregnancy, and the joys of raising children, she offers a wealth of insight into the world of motherhood. Beyond her heartfelt tales, Katie delights her readers with family-friendly recipes, engaging crafts, and a curated library of printables for both kids and adults. When she’s not penning her experiences, you’ll find her crafting memories with her husband and sons—Dexter, Daniel, Chester, and Wilder.