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40+ Tasty Holiday Recipes from Around the World

Every year, it seems like we’re spending hours, if not days chained in the kitchen preparing batches of cookies, candies, desserts and meals for anyone and everyone to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. But I always find myself making the same exact recipes over and over again.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always make my famous Hard Tack Candy as a neighbor gift because they request it by name and would be sad if I didn’t. And I’ll make my 7-Layer Cookies because they are delicious, and I enjoy them immensely.

My Velveeta Peanut Butter Fudge is a holiday staple because I can’t stop laughing at the horrified faces people make after finding out the secret ingredient. We all have to keep our sanity somehow, right? And you’ll pry my 7-Up Salad out of my cold, dead hands. That one goes on every holiday table until I die, and I’m going to insist on teaching my future daughters- (or sons-) in-law how to make it, too.

But do I really have to make the same few side dishes for every holiday meal? Do I have to stick to some conservative script that says what a holiday should look like? No way!

And neither do you!

This year, I’ve gone out and crowdsourced the best non-traditional Christmas recipes from around the world. These are recipes from cultures all around the globe that are eaten at holiday time. They feature different flavors that aren’t necessarily familiar to most Americans, and they offer up an opportunity to try something really unique and exciting this year.

I have tried to find a good mix of savory and sweet recipes, with a few drinks and snacks thrown in, as well. You’ll find some spice in there, too. There’s something for every taste and from a variety of cultures. Have a look through the list and pick one (or more!) to add to your holiday dinner this year!

Holiday Recipes From Around the World

These non-traditional recipes are worth a try this holiday season. Bring something new to the table by trying a dish from another culture, or whip up something that your own ancestors might have eaten!

So there you go. Start a new tradition with one of these delicious Christmas recipes from around the world. Who knows, you may find a new favorite tradition your own family will love!

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