
7 Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Year with Children

Chinese New Year is such a fun way to celebrate the Chinese culture while also celebrating the arrival of a new year! There are many traditions that are enjoyed during Chinese New Year, and no matter what age your child or where you live, these are traditions that can be enjoyed by all. Look below at these 7 ways to celebrate Chinese New Year with children, and see how fun ringing in the new year can be!

7 Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Year with Children

Sweep the floor

Sweeping the floor may sound like a chore, but this traditional Chinese New Year activity is a way to brush out bad luck! Remove bad luck from the home by giving the floors a good sweeping and get all of the dust and bad luck from the previous year gone.

Enjoy some oranges

Oranges are a traditional snack during Chinese New Year and often given to children as gifts. The bright color of orange is said to ward off bad luck while the oranges themselves offer a healthy treat for kids. Place out a bowl of oranges for guests to enjoy and give them as gifts.

Give the gift of money envelopes

Money envelopes are a traditional Chinese New Year gift and a great way to celebrate! You can make your own with craft paper or even find the red envelopes at traditional Chinese stores. So grab a few, fill them up, and give them as gifts!

Enjoy a local parade

Check out your local newspaper listings to see if you can find any Chinese New Year parades or parties. These often include lots of fun and colorful floats, firecrackers, and traditional dancing. If you can’t find one in your area, head to YouTube and see if you can find one to watch.

Create a family feast

Feasting is all part of celebrating Chinese New Year! Some traditional foods include fish, rice, and of course baked goods. Head to the internet and find some authentic recipes and see if you can find one that interests you. Then, start feasting and cheers to the new year!

Make your own dragons

Dragons are a huge part of Chinese New Year! Grab some cardboard boxes and tissue paper and make your own! Even if you can’t find a parade in your area, you can always have your own at home! Head to the internet for all sorts of dragon tutorials and make something colorful!

Learn the phrase GUNG HAY FAT CHOY

Gung Hay Fat Choy is how you say Happy New Year in Chinese! Teach this phrase to kids and spread the love! Write it on cards, make a banner or sign, or just enjoy saying it. Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Are you ready to celebrate Chinese New Year? Check out these 7 ways to celebrate Chinese New Year with children and see how fun and educational these experiences can be!

DIY Chinese New Year Red Money Envelope Craft Tutorial

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