Patriotic USA Body Scrub

Patriotic USA Body Scrub

Okay, I admit that finding new and exciting ways to make body scrubs can be hard. But they are so darn easy to make, and they are FABULOUS as hostess gifts for any occasion. This one makes a great gift for the lady of the house who is hosting your Memorial Day or Fourth of July BBQ this year! Whip it up in just a few minutes and present it as a thoughtful present. You can jazz it up with essential oils if you want, but it’ll do the job either way!

I am going to be making a bunch of tiny versions of this for a Captain America party for my kids this month! Great little party favor there! Just remind them not to eat it.

Here’s what you’ll need:

2 C Epsom salt
1 C coconut oil
Essential oil of choice (optional)
Red and blue food coloring

First, melt your coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl for about 2 minutes. Add in the Epsom salt and melted oil until mixed. You can add an essential oil at this point. Usually about 5 or more drops will do it.

Divide your mix into three bowls. Leave the first bowl alone. This is your white portion.

In the second bowl, add a few drops of red food coloring and mix with the Epsom salt mixture until thoroughly blended.

In the third bowl, add a few drops of blue food coloring and mix with the Epsom salt mixture until thoroughly blended.

If you are worrying about staining yourself with the food coloring – don’t. Because of the coconut oil, it rinses off easily in the shower.

Choose a container with a lid. A mason jar looks awesome. Simply layer the different colors of your mix into the jar, starting with red then white then blue. Easy peasy!

Place it near the bath tub so you can use it when you bath. It will remove dead skin cells and brighten up your skin for the warm summer months.

Patriotic Body Scrub - Great Hostess Gift for 4th of July or Memorial Day BBQ

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